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博士招生 | 诺丁汉大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、曼彻斯特大学博士项目招生,可提供全奖!




PhD Studentship: Understanding Mechanisms Driving Lung Disease Caused by Environmental Particulate Matter

Research Description: 

The overall aim of our proposal is to bring together our recently developed hIPSC derived respiratory cells with a synthetic animal-free hydrogel to understand how the lungs respond to airborne particulate matter.  

Global incidence of respiratory disease has increased by 39% since 1990 and is responsible for 6% of all deaths globally. Inhalation studies are a major focus in respiratory research and include understanding the effect of inhaled chemicals, cigarette smoke, infectious particles, carcinogens, fibrotic agents, drug delivery systems and environmental particulate matter. Cell-based models focus on lung epithelial cells to model the response to inhaled substances; however the whole organ response encompasses complex cell-to-cell interactions and signalling, immune cells and extracellular matrix modifications that currently only mouse models can fully replicate but provide poor translation to the human condition.  

To address this issue we will develop a human specific, chemically defined and multi-cell-type model of the human alveoli that predict normal response of lung alveoli to inhaled pollutants similar to the in vivo response. 

As part of validation and investigation, we will create a multi-cell type, immune competent model of human lung alveoli that is capable of stretching and applicable to many areas of respiratory research. We will bring together stem cell derived type II alveoli epithelial cells with macrophages, fibroblasts and endothelial cells in a synthetic hydrogel developed by our industrial partner Manchester BIOGEL. We will demonstrate application of the model to understand how atmospheric particulate matter affects lung health. Techniques will include stem cell culture, flow cytometry, ICC, single-cell sequencing and spatial genomics and proteomics

In terms of impact this project will create a new human specific model of human alveoli applicable to a broad number of respiratory research areas such as IPF, COPD, CF and lung cancer. The project aligns with the values of the NC3Rs, and therefore could reduce and replace the need for animal models in respiratory research. 

Award Start date: October 2023

Duration of Award: 4 years

Home and international students are welcome to apply for this opportunity. Funding is available for four years from late September 2023. The award covers tuition fee (£4,596) at the home rate plus an annual stipend which was (£17,668) for 2022. This is set by the Research Councils. Please note that successful international candidates will be put forward for a University Fees Difference Scholarship to cover the difference between the home and international fee.

To apply and check your eligibility, please click go to https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/bbdtp/apply/how-to-apply.aspx and you can find further information about how to apply to our programme. 

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Nick.Hannan@nottingham.ac.uk or bbdtp@nottingham.ac.uk 




英国曼彻斯特大学国家石墨烯实验室(National Graphene Institute)博士招生。






Laura Fumagalli (laura.fumagalli@manchester.ac.uk)  或

Rui Wang (rui.wang-4@manchester.ac.uk)


香港城市大学 King-Ning Tu 课题组全奖博士招生


King-Ning Tu,现任香港城市大学讲席教授,曾于美国IBM公司任职25年,参与攻克芯片集成发展中的多项关键技术,后任教于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校材料科学与工程学系二十余年。K.N.Tu教授为芯片封装领域泰斗级人物,现已在香港城市大学与华为建立合作中心:低熵封装中心。中心主要目标为研发下一代高密度先进封装技术,团队毕业博士生多成为华为、苹果、英特尔等世界知名半导体企业工程师。





  • 现计划招收2023年(包括2023年春季和秋季)入学博士生4-5名。

  • 材料,化学,物理,电子,微电子背景均可,要求本科是C9院校,GPA排名前30%。 

  • 博士生年薪20~25万。







南洋理工大学“QS世界大学排名”第16,“US news世界大学排名”第30,是亚洲前3的大学。


Mengmi Zhang于2023年八月份入职新加坡南洋理工大学(school of computer science and engineering)tenure track助理教授和新加坡NRF fellow 2023。Mengmi现任新加坡科学技术研究局Agency for science,Technology and Research (A*STAR)研究科学家和PI带领Deep NeuroCognition 实验室。此前,Mengmi在2019-2021在哈佛医学院和麻省理工学院 The Centers for Brains,Minds,and Machines(CBMM)从事博士后。 

Mengmi博士毕业于新加坡国立大学(2015-2019)。期间在哈佛医学院交换。她的主要研究方向在由神经学启发的机器视觉。她的交叉学科成果发表在科学杂志Nature Communications, Nature Human Behavior以及人工智能顶会和期刊CVPR,ICCV,NeurIPS, AAAI, TPAMI 等。她的研究兴趣包括并不局限于机器视觉,可持续学习,注意力机制,推理能力,记忆和储存机制,机器学习,人类行为学。


Mengmi Zhang (a0091624@gmail.com)


Deep NeuroCognition实验室有多个博士奖学金名额,学生将获得新加坡南洋理工大学计算机科学与工程学院的博士学位。

申请学生必须愿意在计算神经科学和人工智能的交叉领域从事多学科的研究项目。包括设计人类行为实验和收集人类反应,同时开发认知功能的计算模型(visual attention, eye movements, visual perception, memory, context reasoning, multi-agent decision making)。




(可选)在ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, AAAI, ICML, NeurIPS, TPAMI, IJCV, IJCAI, WACV, ECCV, EMNLP发表过至少1篇论文(第一、第二或第三作者)


自我过滤标准(理解下方至少9个名称即可申请否则不要):Multi-agent Reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning, Convolution Neural Nets, Hebbian learning, vision transformer, continual learning, scene graphs, reward, inverse reinforcement learning, backpropogation, shape bias, knowledge distillation, self-supervised learning, augmented memory, variational auto-encoder, associative memory, foveation, Blender, cause-effect, neuro-symbolic, recurrent neural networks, LSTM, Mturk, Prolific, Python, Matlab, Pytorch, Tensorflow, NVIDIA, cross-entropy, maximum likelihood, metric learning, representation learning, open-set, long-tailed, object detection, object classification, mixup, style transfer, data augmentation, curriculum learning, generalization, out-of-distribution, domain shifts, random forest, decision tree, Monte Carlo tree search, hard and soft attention, meta-learning, depth estimation, video tracking, predictive coding



(可选)在Nature/Science及其子刊、PNAS、Journal of Vision、PLOS computational biology、Psychonomic Bulletin & Review、Trends in Cognitive Sciences、Vision Research、Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics、Visual Cognition、Current Biology、Vision、Journal of Experimental Psychology、Psychological Review、Cognition、Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences、Proceedings of the xx Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society、PLoS ONE至少有1篇出版物(共同作者)。


自我过滤标准(理解下方至少9个名称即可申请否则不要):eye fixations, saccades, eyetracker, Unity3D, Blender, rendering, foraging, memory, stroop test, Hebbian, virtual reality, eye movements, hippocampus, pre-frontal cortex, intuitive physics, theory of mind, Prolific, Mturk, visual search, foveation, Garbor filters, retinal ganglion cells, receptive field, on-center-off-surround receptive field, Gestalt psychology, visual illusion, synapse, Long-term potentiation, plasticity, HMAX, Matlab, Python, predictive coding


  • A*STAR研究生奖学金(AGS)

  • 新加坡国际研究生奖(SINGAPORE)

  • A*STAR研究实习计划(Arap)

  • A*STAR计算和信息科学奖学金(ACIS)。

  • AISG博士奖学金(AISG)

  • 行业资助:阿里巴巴人才计划