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博士招生 | 德国慕尼黑大学岗位制博士、香港科技大学、香港中文大学、新加坡国立大学全奖博士招生!





香港中文大学(深圳)是一所经国家教育部批准,按中外合作办学条例设立,传承香港中文大学的办学理念和学术体系的大学。以创建一所立足中国、面向世界的一流研究型大学为己任,致力于培养具有国际视野、中华传统和社会担当的创新型高层次人才。香港中文大学(深圳)前期开设理科、工科、经济管理类和人文社科类专业。长远办学规模为国内外学生11,000人,其中本科生7,500 人,硕士及博士研究生3,500 人。



香港中文大学(深圳)集成电路实验室依托理工学院建设,目前配备较完善的集成电路设计软硬件仿真平台和电路芯片测试设施。实验室由李东教授(IEEE Fellow)担任学术带头人,吴亮教授担任实验室主任。



1. 具有国内外知名大学本科学位,成绩优秀,硕士毕业优先;

2. 具有集成电路、微电子、电子工程、通信工程、雷达传感、电子材料、半导体物理等相关专业背景;

3. 英语水平:托福网考不低于79分,笔试不低于550分;或雅思(学术类)平均分不低于6.5分;


4. 对如下任一研究方向感兴趣:毫米波收发机、太赫兹通信系统、毫米波太赫兹信号源、低功耗射频芯片、雷达信号处理。


将个人简历(中文或英文)、电子版本科毕业证和成绩单发送至:wuliang@cuhk.edu.cn ,邮件主题请使用:“姓名+2023博士申请” 。



Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is a leading research university in Europe. Since its founding in 1472 it has been committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching.

Your tasks and responsibilities:

Project description: Social competition within- and among-species: drivers of pace-of-life in wild passerine birds?

The field of behavioural ecology increasingly focuses on why individual animals differ in suites of behavioural and morphological traits, and whether those differences are associated with life-history variation. A key question is whether life-history trade-offs explain the evolutionary maintenance of this variation in “pace-of-life syndromes”. There is much debate on this issue because life-history trade-offs cannot by themselves maintain variation. This project will test predictions of a novel eco-evolutionary explanation that has great potential to resolve this debate. The framework explains variation among species, populations, and individuals alike. We propose that variation in pace-of-life results from trade-offs between intrinsic rate of density-independent reproduction and competitive ability. This incorporates ecological variation required to maintain variation as faster (vs. slower) paces-of-life are favoured when competition for resources is relaxed (vs. intensified). We will test this idea by combining behavioural ecology and quantitative genetics, and by using experimental and population comparative approaches.

The PhD-student will work in the Behavioural Ecology Group at LMU. The group works broadly on individual behaviour and life-history, and consists of 5 PhD-students and 3 postdocs, offering a dynamic social environment. The PhD-student will collaborate closely with the project’s postdoc (Dr. Barbara Class), who will focus on social selection and indirect genetic effects analyses of long-term pedigreed datasets of >40 European tit populations with members of SPI-Birds as part of this project. The PhD-student will collaborate with Prof. Kees van Oers (NIOO, Wageningen) and Prof. Both (University of Groningen) on metabarcoding, with Dr. Culina (Ruder Boskovic Institute), Prof. Visser (NIOO) and SPI-Birds members on collaborative SPI-Birds projects, and with various other international partners.

The PhD-student will:

(1) manipulate intra- and interspecific competitive regimes as drivers of selection on pace-of-life syndromes within and among sympatric nest box populations of blue and great tits.

(2) Use DNA metabarcoding of faecal samples to estimate relative abundances of arthropods in the tits’ diet to study whether habitat selection and dietary specialisation mediate pace-of-life-related adaptations to intra- and interspecific competitive regimes.

(3) Study whether competition-related selection on pace-of-life can explain variation in behaviour, morphology, and life history among and within species.

Your qualifications:

The successful candidate should have background training in quantitative genetics, evolutionary biology, and/or behavioural ecology. We are looking for candidates that have experience with fieldwork, bird handling, are able to work independently, and coordinate large teams. The candidate should be trained/interested in advanced statistics (e.g. mixed and animal model analyses). Social skills are important for fieldwork execution and SPI-Birds collaborations. Successful candidates speak fluent English.


Successful candidates will be offered a three-year PhD-position funded by a grant of the German Science Foundation to Prof. NJ Dingemanse. Starting date is 01.01.2023.

People with disabilities who are equally as qualified as other applicants will receive preferential treatment.


Candidates should send a motivation letter and CV to Prof. N. Dingemanse over email (n.dingemanse@lmu.de). Submission deadline is 15.11.2022. Interviews will be scheduled on 21.11.2022 and take place online.



新加坡国立大学机械系闫文韬老师课题组招收全奖PhD学生(增材制造/计算力学/金属材料/data-driven modeling)。


Dr. Wentao Yan's group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore has one PhD research scholarship for 2023 August intake and multiple postdoc openings about additive manufacturing and computational mechanics. The detailed description is as follows:

One PhD research scholarship for 2023 August intake: The student will have freedoms to work on the topics on multi-physics and/or data-driven modeling of additive manufacturing. Outstanding students (master or bachelor) with relevant backgrounds on mechanics, manufacturing and metal materials are encouraged to apply. NUS requires all applicants of the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Engineering programmes to submit their Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test scores, as part of the application. Candidates are to obtain the following minimum scores for GRE: GRE score of 320 (Verbal & Quantitative Total) and 3.5 (Analytical). TOEFL or IELTS score is also required (either is ok).

Brief introduction of Dr. Wentao Yan's group:

The group focus on computational modeling, experimental investigation and data analytics of additive manufacturing, and currently there are ~20 students with multi-disciplinary background on manufacturing, mechanics and materials. The group is globally recognized in the area of modeling additive manufacturing, by winning 9 (the most) awards in the 25 tests in 2022 NIST AM-Bench Simulation Challenge. In the past four years, the group has published more than 80 papers on flagship journals like Acta Materialia, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (IJMTM), and Additive Manufacturing. All the previous postdocs have got decent faculty positions in prestigious universities.

More details can be seen:


How to apply:

send detailed CV with education background and publication list to mpeyanw@nus.edu.sg




冯雁(Pascale Fung)是香港科技大学(HKUST)电子与计算机工程系讲席教授(chair professor),北京中央美术学院客座教授。冯教授是人工智能促进学会(AAAI)会士、计算机语言学协会(ACL)会士、电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)会士、以及国际口语沟通学会(ISCA)会士。她是科大人工智能研究中心 (CAiRE) 的主任,该研究中心是科大所有四所学院之上的跨学科研究中心。

她是全球未来委员会的专家,该委员会是世界经济论坛的智囊团。她代表香港科技大学开展人工智能合作,造福人类和社会。她是 IEEE 信号处理协会的理事会成员。她是 IEEE 工作组的成员,负责制定 IEEE 标准——人工智能组织治理的推荐实践。她的研究团队在 ACL、ACL 和 NeurIPS 研讨会上获得了多项最佳和杰出论文奖。





  • Conversational AI

  • Responsible, faithful, and beneficial AI 

  • Vision-language (multimodal) learning

  • Deep learning in Natural Language Processing 

  • Low-resource and multilingual learning 

  • Reasoning and common sense in NLP

  • Machine learning for life science

  • Machine learning for art and creativity



冯雁教授计划招收多名全奖博士研究生(2023秋季入学),欢迎对上述研究方向感兴趣的同学申请。入学成功者将获得Postgraduate Studentship (PGS) 奖学金,每月约1.8万港币。


1. 基本要求:





2. 加分项:




请发送邮件到 pascale@ece.ust.hk,附上自我介绍,个人简历,成绩单,以及研究计划Research Proposal (可选)等信息。
